Everything End of Life.
This podcast is dedicated to talking to experts and others about all aspects of death and dying. You know, that thing we don't really want to talk about!
As a hospice carer and former psychiatric nurse as well as writer and former Theatre director, I invite guests to talk about their roles in and what to expect in the last four weeks of life. What happens to the person dying, what help is there, what to do before and after the event.
Many of the families we go in to see have one thing in common and that is that they don't know what to expect. I thought that a Podcast may help and then discovered so much to explore that is of interest to people such as alternative funerals, what do Hospices actually do, what role do religions play?
So join me for the first interview as we begin this Podcast with Clinical Nurse Specialist Becky Rix where we grasp the nettle and discuss what happens to us generally in those last four weeks.
Time to explore "Everything End of Life".
Everything End of Life.
Dr Karen Chumbley on Hospices.
In this episode I have the absolute pleasure of chatting with Dr Karen Chumbley, Chief Medical Officer at St Helena Hospice who shares with us her passion for making End of Life care as good as it can be for everyone.
Before Joining the Hospice I had no real idea about what they do, what they offer, how they work, why there are so many charity shops!
I used to be a Charge Nurse in Care of the elderly 30 years ago. I had looked after my own mother for years as her main carer before she died in 2000 and yet I knew very little about Hospices and if I didn't know much about them how could I expect anyone else to know about what they do.
Unless you have had reason to use one for yourself or a relative it can be strange to have an understanding of their role in Society, how they came about and what they can offer.
Karen does an amazing job offering her insights into the subject and shares her personal motivation for working in this area.
Great interview, amazing lady.
For those interested in what Palliative care looks like at home there is "The Last Kiss" (Not a Romance)
Available on Amazon now