Everything End of Life.
This podcast is dedicated to talking to experts and others about all aspects of death and dying. You know, that thing we don't really want to talk about!
As a hospice carer and former psychiatric nurse as well as writer and former Theatre director, I invite guests to talk about their roles in and what to expect in the last four weeks of life. What happens to the person dying, what help is there, what to do before and after the event.
Many of the families we go in to see have one thing in common and that is that they don't know what to expect. I thought that a Podcast may help and then discovered so much to explore that is of interest to people such as alternative funerals, what do Hospices actually do, what role do religions play?
So join me for the first interview as we begin this Podcast with Clinical Nurse Specialist Becky Rix where we grasp the nettle and discuss what happens to us generally in those last four weeks.
Time to explore "Everything End of Life".
Everything End of Life.
Everything End of Life. Trailer episode.
In this first episode I ask my daughter to interview me about what the upcoming Podcast is about, I'm pretty sure that you can get an idea from the title though. Having said that she does skilfully ask all of the right questions about who I shall be interviewing and what subjects I shall be interviewing them about.
In it we briefly discuss Hospice care, different cultures and how they approach end of life care, how different religions get involved, funerals, wills. Essentially it is a Podcast to introduce you to the subject and gives an outline to what it is about and the kind of guests that we shall be inviting.
The first upcoming Interview will grasp the nettle of how we are in the last four weeks or so of our lives and what that looks like and who is involved. That will be with Clinical Nurse Specialist in Palliative care CNS Becky Rix.
The following weeks episodes will include the Director of Freedom Funerals talking about alternatives to the traditional approach, the Clinical Medical officer of St Helena Hospice about what Hospices are and what they can offer and then a lovely lady called Di Renders telling us about her journey as a carer for her Husband Roger who died last year and about how she was supported by friends, family, Hospice staff, and many more.
This Podcast will then start to expand upon the subject by inviting different cultural leaders to share how they approach end of life care and we'll take a look at The Mexican festivals that celebrate death, we'll talk to florists about the history of flowers and their meanings at the end of life.
Essentially, everything is on the table for discussion from the grieving process to advances in Cancer treatments and even living wakes.
Everything End of Life.
And skilful an interview though Sarah was, no I didn't pay her! Cruel and Evil father that I am!
For those interested in what Palliative care looks like at home there is "The Last Kiss" (Not a Romance)
Available on Amazon now